Curated Nutrition

Your Happy Road to Health 

When you think of a diet plan, what comes to mind is boring, bland foods. Well, not anymore! With our CNP, you can achieve your health goals while continuing to enjoy your favorite foods.  

With more protein & fiber from whole foods, you can IMPROVE your metabolic health the tasty, happy way. All you need are simple tweaks in your meals. 

Our Promise 

  • Managing your health through whole food. 
  • No powders or supplements 
  • Tangible improvements in metabolic parameters like weight, blood sugar, lipid levels, physical performance, and overall quality of life.   
  • The best part? You can continue to enjoy the foods you love. 


How do we do this? 

Step 1- we analyze your current health status  

Step 2- we curate a nutrition plan to optimize your metabolic health by  

  • Rebalancing macronutrients  
  • Creating sustainable changes  
  • Simple tweaks to your current meal plan  


What will you get? 

Two virtual sessions 

Session 1 (30 mins)-  

  • In this session we will delve into your health reports and work together to create a plan tailored to your specific needs that aligns with your health goal 
  • Provide you with insights and recommendations  


Follow-up sessions: Our follow-up sessions will take place once every 15 days, with each lasting about 15 minutes. During these sessions, we will address any concerns you may have regarding your health reports and clarify any doubts that may arise.   

  • Two exciting recipes that alight with your health goals  
  • Routine assessment of weight, blood sugar levels, blood pressure readings, lipid levels by consulting nutritionist