Nourishing New Moms

Nourishing New Moms

May 13, 2023Prolicious | Protein & Delicious!

Becoming a new mother is a life-changing experience. While it's a happy and exciting time, it can also be overwhelming, especially if you must worry about your newborn's health and your own. The physical and emotional changes a woman's body experiences during pregnancy and after giving birth are significant. As a new mother, it's crucial to concentrate on your health and nutrition to make sure you have the energy and stamina to care for both yourself and your child.

As a new mother, have you ever wondered how you can take care of yourself while also taking care of your newborn? Have you thought about how your nutrition and diet can impact your recovery and overall health?

It's common for new mothers to focus entirely on their newborn's needs while neglecting their own health and well-being. However, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby. By adopting healthy eating habits and staying hydrated, you can prevent common health problems such as anemia and postpartum depression. It's crucial to understand the significance of nutrition and health as a new mother to manage and prevent such health issues effectively. In this way, you can ensure a healthy and smooth transition into motherhood.

So, if you're a new mother looking to take charge of your health and well-being, read on to learn more about the essential steps you can take to ensure a healthy and happy journey into motherhood.

Here are some important nutrients for new mothers to maintain good health and nutrition:

1. Protein

To rebuild and repair tissues, maintain muscle mass, and support the immune system, protein is a crucial nutrient for postpartum mothers. Women's protein requirements significantly increase during pregnancy and breast-feeding, and postpartum mothers must make sure they are getting enough protein to support both their recovery and the growth and development of their child.
If you are a new mother and facing concerns finding plant based protein sources, worry o more as Prolicious has high protein, ready to cook options like Oats chilla , Millet dosa and also for snacking options they have delicious thins in various flavors available for use.

2. Vitamin D

It's critical for postpartum mothers to get enough vitamin D to maintain their health. A woman's body goes through significant changes during pregnancy and lactation, including higher calcium needs. Calcium, which is essential for the growth and health of bones, is absorbed and used by the body with the aid of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency in postpartum women can lead to a variety of health problems, including weakened bones, weak muscles, and a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Additionally, postpartum depression, a common condition that affects many new mothers, has been connected to vitamin D deficiency.

Mothers who have recently given birth must therefore make sure they are getting enough vitamin D. Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D, but it can also be obtained through specific foods like fatty fish and fortified dairy products. Vitamin D supplements may also be recommended, especially for those who are at risk of deficiency.

3. Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are extremely important for the health of postpartum mothers. Due to their importance in fetal and infant brain development, the demand for omega-3 fatty acids rises significantly during pregnancy and lactation.

According to research, omega-3 fatty acids may also benefit postpartum maternal health, especially by lowering the risk of postpartum depression. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory qualities that can lessen the body's inflammation, which is frequently linked to depression.

Omega-3s could also aid in postpartum weight loss. According to a study, postpartum mothers who took omega-3 fatty acids had lower body weight and body fat mass than those who did not.

The majority of omega-3s are found in fatty fish like salmon and tuna, as well as in nuts and seeds like chia seeds and flaxseeds. Some prenatal and postnatal supplements also contain omega-3s.

4. Fiber

A crucial nutrient that is frequently forgotten during the postpartum period is fibre. Consuming enough fibre can help postpartum mothers avoid constipation, which is a common issue. Fibre can also lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels, and support a healthy gut microbiome. Postpartum women are advised to consume about 25 to 30 grams of fibre daily from foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts. For postpartum mothers, ensuring adequate fibre intake can promote good digestive health and general wellbeing.

It is critical to realize that maintaining a healthy diet and way of life presents special difficulties for new mothers. Prioritizing a healthy diet and regular exercise can be difficult due to time constraints, exhaustion, and a lack of support. But one can overcome these challenges and put their health first if they have the right attitude and support.

To ensure both their own and their baby's wellbeing, new mothers must prioritize their health and nutrition. Some of the most important steps that new mothers can take to maintain good health and nutrition include eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, breastfeeding, taking supplements, getting enough rest, exercising, and seeking support. New mothers can best care for their infant and enjoy this special time in their lives by taking care of themselves.


Dt. Muskan Barmare

Dt. Muskan Barmare is a qualified Clinical Nutritionist and Sports Dietitian and Medical health content creator with the idea to encourage people to live a better life through creating habits with fitness and nutrition. She believes that a healthy you starts from a healthy you itself. Creating a new mindset and goal and keeping it intact is what she is here.

She focuses on creating a positive body image for her clients through health & wellness and helps them achieve their fitness goal. Her interest lies in clinical and sports nutrition with a keenness towards mental health.

Rendering her million different interests in life she tries to bring out her creativity in content creation in not only nutrition but all medical health areas and is a part of many different projects and organizations.

She has completed her graduation in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics from SVT College of Home Science, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. She has served as a nutrition expert at many clinics and hospitals. Currently she has her own private venture under the title, “H.A.B.I.T.S with Muskan Barmare” and excels in the particular field.

Her mission statement states, “ Being a Better you with building better habits”

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