The Secrets to Shedding Skinny Fat

The Secrets to Shedding Skinny Fat

Oct 18, 2023Prolicious | Protein & Delicious!

In the health & wellness industry, being slim always equates to being healthy. But is external appearance enough to judge someone’s health status?

Probably. Weight management experts are of the opinion that those with 'skinny fat' face the same as issues as those in the overweight and obese category. Here is what skinny fat means.


What is Skinny Fat?

Skinny Fat is used to describe anyone who appears lean and falls in a normal BMI range but has more body fat percentage than lean muscle tissue. The WHO states that BMI is just a rough guideline. It does not take into account the skeletal mass, muscle mass or body fat mass. This draws our attention to the visceral fat. High percentages of visceral fat can harm overall health in the long run. Here is what visceral fat means. 

The Visceral Fat Puzzle

Visceral fat, also called “Belly Fat”, is a type of fat found in the abdominal cavity. This fat wraps vital organs like the liver, pancreas and intestines. It can interfere with the organ function, release toxic chemicals and contribute to health issues like diabetes, heart diseases and metabolic syndrome.

Causes of Skinny Fat

Bodyweight is wrongly considered as a measure of health. This leads to a false notion that being thin or normal weight automatically makes you healthy. Here are a few factors that contribute to Skinny Fat:

Insufficient Protein Intake:

Lack of adequate protein in diet leads to a lack of nutrients. A balanced nutrient intake is required for muscle growth & repair. It prevents decreasing muscle mass and increasing the body fat relatively. A diet with inadequate protein will lead to lesser feelings of fullness and satisfaction, adding to overeating. This, in turn, contributes to skinny fat.

Desk Jobs:



Due to sedentary work and difficulty in maintaining a balanced diet, people with desk jobs are more prone to skinny fat.

Exclusive cardio:

Excessive cardio without weight training leads to muscle atrophy where the body breaks down muscles to meet the energy requirement. Loss of muscle is a cause of skinny fat.

Chronic Stress:



Persistent stress leads to cravings, poor dietary choices and hormonal imbalance leading to skinny fat.

How To Fix Visceral Fat?

The most efficient way to 'fix' visceral fat is losing overall body fat. One loses overall body fat by gaining more muscle and eating in a caloric deficit. Here are few lifestyle changes to avoid becoming skinny fat and eliminating the same. 

Prioritize Protein:

Protein is vital for muscle growth and tissue repair. Additionally, protein promotes the feeling of satiety which helps with calorie management. Incorporate foods like beans, legumes, soy, tofu, paneer, and Prolicious range of products for daily protein intake.

Include Weight Training:


strenght training


Weight training aids fat loss by increasing skeletal muscle & lean body mass. These factors increase the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which means you burn more calories at rest too! 

Healthy Eating Habits:


healthy eating


Focus on eating adequate protein, fibre from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. Make this better by reducing your sugar intake, limiting processed foods as these show positive impacts on overall health and wellness. 

A tasty way to meet your protein requirements is Prolicious snacks and meals. From Khakhras to Pasta, and everything in between, check out these tasty, high protein foods here

Stress Management:

Chronic stress promotes unhealthy eating patterns and cravings. Focus on relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, journaling or spending time in nature and with your loved ones to unwind and feel better.

Prioritize Sleep:

Aim for at least 6-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Lack of sleep leads to more snacking, cravings, and skipped workouts.


sleep well


Overall, addressing the issue of "skinny fat" is a journey that involves building muscle, reducing fat, and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Ensure you do not take drastic steps. Instead, make smaller, sustainable changes like- 

  • Eating more protein
  • Getting active
  • Eating mindfully
  • Staying calm
  • Being patient and consistent


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