We all know that the health & glamour industry always equates being slim with being healthy. But is health really as simple as what it looks on the outside?
Well, maybe a little. There are people out there who aren’t overweight but also aren’t toned or feel strong enough. They maybe belonging to the category of “Skinny Fat.”
Well, what exactly does skinny fat mean? Let’s dive deeper into this in detail and understand how we can manage it effectively.
What is Skinny Fat?
Skinny Fat is used to describe anyone who appears lean and falls under normal BMI range but has a higher body fat than lean muscle tissue. In other words, they have an unhealthy fat to muscle ratio. The WHO states that BMI is just a rough guideline. It does not take into account the skeletal mass, muscle mass or body fat mass. A skinny fat person will lack muscle tone, have flabby limbs and would be equally at risk of metabolic disorders like diabetes, heart attack, etc.
What leads to Skinny Fat & why is it so concerning?
Skinny fat is a health risk due to excess visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat stored around internal organs like liver, pancreas and intestines. This fat contributes to various metabolic diseases like fatty liver, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. This can further lead to various hormonal imbalances further adding to these metabolic diseases.
There are various reasons that would contribute to skinny fat. Some of them are as follows:
1. Sedentary Lifestyle: Sitting for long periods results in weight (Fat) gain along with loss of muscle mass. This inactive lifestyle further adds to fat accumulation around your waistline.
2. Lack of Muscle Mass: People who exclusively perform cardio workouts, focus on faster weight loss, consume inadequate protein in their diet lack sufficient muscle mass. This leads to an unhealthy fat to muscle ratio leading to skinny fat.
3. Poor Diet: A high calorie diet that’s more of simple sugars, carbs and lacks good quality protein and fiber can add up to the fat storage in the body. Protein is the cornerstone for adequate muscle mass.
4. Chronic stress: Cortisol, the stress hormone, can lead to high blood sugar and further lead to fat storage around the belly. Also, stress can also lead to sweet cravings, poor dietary and lifestyle choices further adding to the problem of skinny fat.
How can I fix Skinny Fat?
The most efficient sustainable way to fix skinny fat is building a better body composition: which means by increasing the muscle mass and decreasing overall body fat.
Here are a few lifestyle changes to avoid becoming skinny fat and eliminating the same.
1. Prioritize Protein:
Protein is the building block for muscle building and repair. Protein also promotes satiety leading to reduced caloric intake and thus avoids excess weight gain.
Protein rich foods:
· Beans
· Legumes
· Soy
· Tofu
· Peas
A tasty way to meet your protein requirements is Prolicious snacks and meals. From Khakhras to Pasta, and everything in between, check out these tasty, high protein foods here.
2. Healthy Eating Habits:
Focus on eating adequate protein, fibre from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. Additionally, reduce your intake of sugar and processed foods as they are calorie dense but lack nutrients.
Prolicious UP IT is a versatile way to enjoy your tasty meals while adding protein and fiber to your diet.
3. Include Weight Training:
Weight Training supports fat loss by increasing skeletal muscle & lean body mass. Muscle tissue is the most active tissue – which means it burns energy even at rest. Thus, it helps with effective weight management while being on fat loss journey.
4. Stress Management:
Chronic stress promotes unhealthy eating patterns and cravings. Stress is unavoidable but we can improve the way we handle stress. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, meditation, journaling, spending time with nature, surrounding yourself with your favorite people help you to unwind and feel better.
5. Never compromise on sleep:
A good sleep is the basic foundation for overall health. Consistent lack of sleep can lead to hormonal imbalance and increased cortisol too. Thus, having a good quality sleep is equally important.
Overall, addressing the issue of "skinny fat" is a journey that involves building muscle, reducing fat, and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Ensure, you do not take drastic steps. Instead, make smaller, sustainable changes like-
· Eating more protein
· Getting active
· Eating mindfully
· Staying calm
· Being patient and consistent