
Plant based diet - beginners' guide
Sep 06, 2022
Health and nutrition are both inextricably linked. Good health is the sum total of fitness and nutrition. The past decades have seen a dramatic worldwide increase in chronic diseases. Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory disorders, and malignant tumors account for 63% of total mortality at a global level annually. Furthermore, chronic diseases represent almost 45.9% of all diseases worldwide (1).Dieticians stress that a properly planned plant based diet, with a particular focus on good quality plant-based protein is essential as it aids in muscle gain, weight-loss and overall good health. So if you're looking to improve your health and lose weight, you must consider plant-based food. What is a plant-based diet, and is it the right choice for you?
Health Benefits of Little Millet
Aug 25, 2022
Everything you need to know about little millet benefits and little millet nutrition has been discussed in this article.
strategies for Gluten-Free weight loss success
Aug 19, 2022
So you’ve heard that a gluten-free diet can really help you lose weight. You’re curious about this, aren’t you? You’ve seen that famous Ms. So & So on Instagram raving about the goodness of ‘Gluten-Free’ foods and, OMG she’s lost what seems like a ton of weight. Now you’re convinced that a gluten-free diet is perfect for you too! And you definitely want to give this strategy a try. We’re here to tell you that not all is as rosy as it seems and before you go on this new adventure, you need to understand the pros and cons of this diet, just like any other diet. 
plant-based rich protein sources
Aug 11, 2022
We’ve all been brought up with the belief in a healthy, balanced diet. And while this is accepted as a universal truth most often, modern research has shown that not all nutrients are created equal. Proteins are the most essential food group. Unlike carbs and fats, proteins cannot be synthesized in the human body. ieticians and nutritionists stress constant consumption of protein throughout the day. Another popular misconception is that vegetarian and vegan based diets are lacking in protein. We’re here to tell you that plant-based protein can come from many delectable sources and there is absolutely no reason for vegetarians and vegans to be bereft of protein. Here are 6 of the best plant-based foods that are high in protein. 
Protein Rich Vegetarian Foods
Aug 05, 2022
All of us, bar none, want to look good, lose weight and feel healthier. Weight loss and health are not two mutually exclusive concepts. Let us in this article therefore examine the importance of a single nutrient, i.e. protein, in one’s weight loss journey, and explore 5 protein rich vegetarian foods that can add great results to one’s weight loss diet.